Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Chineese people (the horniest people on earth apparently) devised a new strategy for removing horniness from human beings. The strategy consists of taking several actions in order to achieve this state of nonhorniness.

Step 1. Cover yourself with honey.
Step 2. Lay on the grass.
Step 3. Let ants bite the tip of your nipples.
Step 4. Roll around in excrutiating pain for about 5 minutes.
Step 5. Bathe in lemon juice wearing only underwear.
Step 6. Take off your underwear and flush it down the toilet.
Step 7. Go to the nearest mall or crowded place.
Step 8. Go inside and start humping anything made out of metal (must be cold).
Step 9. Slap the cop's face when he tries to put you into the cop car.
Step 10. Open your buttcheeks for your cellmate and tell him your ass is a blender.

After following these 10 steps, I can assure you that your horniness problems will fade. Upon completing this scheme you will also be a felon, but WHO CARES? Horny people don't think straight anyways so they are useless.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007